Monday, May 23, 2016

Copy SharePoint List Items To Another Identical List

The following Powershell script could be useful while importing data into existing list. If such need arises, one can import data from spreadsheet into a new list and then copy its list items to the destination list.

Keep in mind though: ReadOnly fields, such as [CreatedDateTime] or [LastUpdatedDateTime] field, cannot be manipulated through the script below.
    $web = Get-SPWeb "http://site"

    $sList = $web.Lists["Movies2"]  #source-list
    $dList = $web.Lists["Movies"]   #destination-list

    Write-Host "Working on Web: "$web.Title -ForegroundColor Green

        Write-Host "    Working on List: " sList.Name -ForegroundColor Cyan

        $spSourceItems = $sList.Items
        $sourceSPFieldCollection = $sList.Fields

        foreach($item in $spSourceItems)
                $newSPListItem = $dList.AddItem()

                #Copy all field data except Attachments
                foreach($spField in $sourceSPFieldCollection)
                    if($spField.ReadOnlyField -ne $True -and $spField.InternalName -ne "Attachments")                   
                        $newSPListItem[$($spField.InternalName)] = $item[$($spField.InternalName)]

                #Copy Attachments
                foreach($leafName in $item.Attachments)
                    $spFile = $sList.ParentWeb.GetFile($($item.Attachments.UrlPrefix + $leafName))
                    $newSPListItem.Attachments.Add($leafName, $spFile.OpenBinary())

                #Update new LisItem
            Write-Host "        Copying $($item["Name"]) completed"
    Write-Host "Error: " $_.Exception.ToString() -ForegroundColor Red

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