Monday, April 9, 2018

CentOS 6 - Add a user to sudoers

Here are steps in adding a user to sudoers in CentOS 6

  1. Log on as root ( or switch to su with root password).
  2. On the command window, do the following.
  3. Enter "visudo". 
  4. vi loads the sudoer file.
  5. Look for %wheel in the sudoer file by entering " /%wheel "
  6. Remove # from the line "#  %wheel  ALL=(ALL)  ALL" to enable the wheel group with same privileges as root.
  7. Save and exit vi via  :wq.
  8. To create a new user:
    1. adduser   [new_user_name]
    2. passwd    [new_user_name]   [password]
  9. Use the usermod command to add the user to the wheel group:
    1. usermod   -aG   wheel   [user_name]
  10. Switch to the non-root user by entering "su  -  [user_name]"
  11. Test by running a command that's allowed for root only.
    For example, /root is generally accessible only by root user. Try listing the content of /root. 
    1. sudo  ls  -al  /root

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